A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Dark matter.
Alex Keshavarzi
3 mysteries of the universe — and a new force that might explain them
Fabio Pacucci
The battle that formed the universe
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
The search for the invisible matter that shapes the universe
Claire Malone
The missing 96 percent of the universe
Risa Wechsler
The search for dark matter -- and what we've found so far
Daniel Finkel
Can you solve the dark matter fuel riddle?
James Beacham
How we explore unanswered questions in physics
Harry Cliff
Have we reached the end of physics?
Wendy Freedman
This telescope might show us the beginning of the universe
Jedidah Isler
How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe
Henry Lin
What we can learn from galaxies far, far away
Gian Giudice
Why our universe might exist on a knife-edge
James Gillies
Dark matter: The matter we can't see
Rolf Landua
What happened to antimatter?
John Lloyd
An animated tour of the invisible
Brian Greene
Is our universe the only universe?